Saturday 19 March 2011

March 18th

Sadly not much to report on our day off. We were given our first day off on the trip so today was a fairly lazy affair.
A few of the guys, myself included went on a long walk up the beach to the Hilton hotel and mucked around on their beach. We tried catching some waves and skimming tennis balls but all roads eventually led to sunbathing and as a result sunburn. At least in my case sunburn.
After lunch we played a four v four volleyball game which got over competitive. My team won and we were all bought milkshakes by the oppo to celebrate the hard fought victory. After volleyball there was more sunbathing (boring I know).
We had team meeting at half six to discuss the game v Hants and where we would like to improve and focus our efforts for the next game. We were generally happy for the first run out of the season but still found some areas where we can really raise our game a bit.
After dinner I ended up crashing out to sleep. The sun and large amounts of food took its toll, but a nice relaxing day off will hopefully see me and boys refreshed for our T20 game v Derbyshire today. It will be an interesting one as well because Tony Palladino will be lining up for them so that will be weird.
Anyway enough rambling hopefully we win today, I am off to breakfast.
Regards Chris

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